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 ---> 11. The Velovelo, «Village»!

 01 - VELOVELO « The Club »
 02 - VELOVELO « the Shop »
 03 - Books
 04 - Videos, CD-Rom, D.V.D.
 05 - Purchase photos / videos
 06 - Small advertissements
 07 - Carreer opportunities
 08 - Forums of discussions
 09 - Discuss on line !…
 10 - Grouped purchases
 11 - Specialised auction
 12 - Fans Clubs
 13 - Bike Clubs
 14 - Amateur teams websites
 15 - Professional teams websites
 16 - Racers Pro./Am. websites
 17*- Humor and games
 18 - Animations subject bike
 19 - Speakers & animators
 20 - Photographers, videomakers
 21 - Motorcyclists for road safety
 22 - Technical aid on races
 23*- Companies of timing
 24 - First aid workers / Doctors
 25*- To organise a race …
 26 - Race accessories
 27 - Organizing companies
 28 - Insurances, companies …
 29 - Associations
 30 - Humanitarian

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